Wednesday, March 18, 2009

My dear Woman...

This is not something about a woman that I like or one that I adore. Its about the wonderful race called Women. Its so wonderful to be one of them. I am not being unfair to the other equally important race here.Nor am i calling my race a superior one as i have no idea what other races feel like unless am one of them.  But it sure is enough to be the one that I am right now. I have read lot about how important the role of a woman in life is , how complex it is compared to a men's life , how intelligent and stupid some women were, how strong and weak they can be nations were made n destroyed due to a a womans love changed people and all that sound incredible? To be part of such a happening race is really something that makes me proud. From the lullaby of a mother, the fights of a sister, the passion of a lover, the sacrifices and dedication of a wife to the advices of the old granny..each stage of our life we are thankful for a wonderful woman who made it possible to make our life worth. I often wondered if God made each new creation better and flawless than the first and in more resemblence to him ..if So, the woman was the last[acc to my belief in the holy bible]..the best of all creations..the partner of man who could support him when they failed and still stand strong..the helper of man when he lacked few skills.. What he lacked, he gave it to her..and yet he made her humble and loving to accept man and his superior nature. What a  wonderful theory to uplift your mood when you are let down by a man right?  
The beauty and power of women lies not in physical appearance or strength i believe as does  many intelligent wonderful people[really!!]. And those who failed to recognize that have tortured them in all ages, all over the world. The intelligent woman was often framed cunning, the beautiful as stupid and the server a slave. Its a pity to see that many still dont recognize the value of a woman. A girl child is still a pain somewhere, an unmarried lass a burden on home, a poor wife a slave of her hubby in some home and the old lady a bad curse to bear. Respect to woman was always considered the sign of  an esteemed personality. But i guess its all as good as a word written in water for some. Its sad to read the abundant amount of rapes, slaughters, tortures that go around us everyday.Only if everyone believed that the goddessess of ancient earth, the cleopatras, the princess diana or mother theresa ..all were once a  part of us...and still lives somewhere as one among us.. sigh!
Note: I agree that there are educated cultured people who respect women and I really appreciate them!


  1. men are always superior u fool... admit it

  2. I agree with what you have said ammu. Not to say that women are more superior or anything, but its true that they are not appreciated for their value.

  3. Pooh_mon : Men feel superior..Dont knw why :)
    Smitha: Even I dont claim any superiority for women. Just pointing out that they are often stamped upon n considered far inferior for no fault of them..which really hurts.

  4. There goes a famous quote thus "Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent."
    And that was probably the only mistake woman-kind (I created that word, I guess :-p) made in the past.. and is still bearing the brunt. But its reduced considerably I believe. Today women are strong enough to listen to their inner voice, and fight when they are trodden upon. Nice post.. strong, yet subtle. :)

  5. u r right has reduced very much..but i still see men thinking 'its not a gal's world'!!

  6. Hi Ammu, nice post...ormayundo ennariyilla. .Maria's classmate . But I happened to get to ur blog thru my cousin Angela's scraps.Didnt knw u guys are classmates..Keep blogging :)-Leah Thomas, Hyd'bd

  7. Hi Leah,
    I remember you very well. You were Maria's great debating partner! Thanks for your nice words and encouragement! And Angela was my sub junior in college :)

  8. hi ammu.. graduated to the 'dominant' role through the women they hv been mom was my first teacher, my sister was my first friend, my wife is my first life partner..and what mor to say..even my first love was a woman :-)..though we dominate..stil we are lot more dependent than u galz..

  9. Hi Siraj,
    Good to hear you admitting that! Most men find it difficult to admit that they like an emotional support from the women in their life"
